Q: What damages can I recover through my New York personal injury claim?

The 3 main types of damages you can recover from a New York personal injury claim are medical expenses, lost income, and emotional and physical suffering. Every New York personal injury claim is unique, which means the dollar amount of compensation received is different in every case.  A Brooklyn personal injury lawyer can best explain your options for recovering accident compensation.

Medical expenses in your New York personal injury claim include the treatments directly related to the injuries you sustained in the accident, as well as provide for any ongoing and future medical care related to your accident injuries. Your Brooklyn personal injury lawyer should make the same consideration for your lost wages and request both currently lost income and future projected losses if your injury will prevent you from working.

An experienced Brooklyn personal injury lawyer will also help you claim damages for the pain and suffering you experienced from your accident. A New York personal injury claim can contain provisions for compensation for your mental anguish, stress and frustration following a serious accident or injury that resulted from another’s negligence.

Insurance companies may try to offer you a quick settlement that is usually much too low to compensate for these 3 types of damages. In most cases, an initial settlement will only cover the current medical expenses and lost wages, not accounting for future damages and pain and suffering. A Brooklyn personal injury lawyer can help you fight for all the damages you are entitled to.

When you have suffered serious injury or loss of a loved one because of another’s negligence, whether it be from a car accident, slip and fall, or medical malpractice your time will likely be spent recovering and focusing on adjusting to everyday life. To give your New York personal injury claim the attention it deserves, you may find it would help to hire a Brooklyn personal injury lawyer who can seek damages on your behalf.

Contacting a Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyer

When you have suffered serious injury or lost a loved one due to another’s negligence you are entitled to compensation for your damages and suffering. Filing a personal injury claim can be a difficult and time consuming process that can be made simpler with the experienced assistance of a New York personal injury lawyer.

At Gacovino Lake & Associates we have formed a dedicated network of personal injury lawyers to serve clients nationwide. Our New York office serves residents of the 5 boroughs with their auto accident, medical malpractice, defective drug, premises liability, and Workers’ Compensation claims. For experienced help when filing your personal injury claim, contact us today – 1-800-246-4878.

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