Ways to Avoid a Slip and Fall Accident during Snowy/Icy Conditions

Slipping and falling are not uncommon types of accidents. Although most people don’t seriously hurt themselves, there is the potential for sprains, fractures, back and head injuries. And the risk is higher when the conditions are snowy or icy. Consider some of the ways to reduce the chance of a slip and fall accident, both indoors and out.

Tips on Preventing Slip and Fall Accidents Indoors in Snowy/Icy Conditions

Keep the following in mind to avoid suffering slip and fall injuries indoors: 

  • stamp off feet when entering a building from outside;
  • wipe shoes off thoroughly on mat;
  • take small, slow steps;
  • hold onto rails when taking stairs;
  • pay attention to areas that are barricaded or have signs indicating the floor is slippery;
  • step around puddles of water that may have gathered; and
  • wear shoes that have good traction on slippery surfaces (such as rubber boots). 

Tips on Preventing Slip and Fall Accidents Outdoors in Snowy/Icy Conditions

These tips could help avoid slip and fall injuries when outdoors: 

  • walk slowly and carefully over snow-covered areas because there can be ice underneath;
  • choose paths and surfaces that have been cleared of snow when possible;
  • don’t carry too much (such as packages or a heavy backpack) — it can make balancing difficult;
  • wear sunglasses during the day to avoid glare;
  • avoid walking in dimly lit areas as it can be difficult to see when the surface changes;
  • outdoor stairs can be slippery, so use caution when taking them;
  • wear warm gloves so that hands can be kept out of pockets for balance;
  • when ice can’t be avoided, bend knees and take smaller, slower steps;
  • walk around snow hills rather than over them; and
  • be aware of pavement that looks wet but could be icy (especially in shaded areas and early in the morning).
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