Side Effects and Other Health Risks of Lipitor & Eligibility to File a Claim

Many prescription drugs have the potential for side effects. Most are mild or just temporarily unpleasant. However, some may pose a more serious risk. Lipitor may cause serious side effects in some patients, and in some cases this might warrant seeking compensation for damages.

What is Lipitor prescribed for and what are some possible side effects?

Lipitor belongs to a class of drugs called statins. It helps to not only lower triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL), but raise good cholesterol (HDL). It is oftentimes prescribed to reduce someone’s risk of cardiovascular problems, such as stroke and heart attack.

One of the main side effects involves the muscles. There may be sudden pain, tenderness or weakness. Another complication can occur with the liver. Symptoms may include upper belly pain, fatigue/weakness, yellowing in the whites of eyes/skin, loss of appetite and dark-colored urine.

The following are other side effects that could occur when taking Lipitor: 

  • confusion;
  • memory loss;
  • joint pain;
  • tingling/numbness/pain in hands or feet;
  • tendon rupture;
  • pancreatitis;
  • fluid retention (hands/arms/feet/legs);
  • inflammation of esophagus/large intestine/stomach lining;
  • chest pain; and
  • abnormal heart rhythm. 

The FDA has also warned statin users of the possible risk of memory loss and diabetes. The agency issued new labeling guidelines regarding these risks.

Are there other circumstances in which taking Lipitor could be dangerous? 

Patients should be advised of other health conditions that could make this medication dangerous. For instance, women who are (or could be) pregnant and those planning to become pregnant may be advised against taking the drug.

Women who are breastfeeding are also advised against taking Lipitor. Those with liver problems, allergies to atorvastatin (active ingredient in Lipitor), or taking certain medications may also be at risk.

It’s important to discuss with a doctor the possibility of an adverse reaction when taking any over-the-counter/prescription medications, herbal supplements or vitamins especially when taking medications for: 

  • birth control;
  • heart failure; or
  • other statin medication. 

It’s also important to recognize signs of an allergic reaction. This may include breathing difficulties or swelling (tongue, throat, lips or face).

If I was harmed after taking Lipitor, can I take legal action and if so, against whom?

Injuries stemming from a pharmaceutical drug could allow those injured to pursue a defective product claim in some cases. Common reasons for pursuing compensation are when it’s been improperly marketed or defectively manufactured. Those with dangerous side effects could be included.

The manufacturer can be liable in some cases, but there may be others involved. An investigation would need to be conducted in order to determine responsibility, which in some cases could include several parties. Sometimes patients may take legal action against a healthcare provider or facility.

Let’s say a doctor prescribed Lipitor and failed to warn of the risks when pregnant. Or a pharmacist didn’t advise the patient of potential risks when combining Lipitor with another medication the patient was taking. In either case, if it resulted in serious injury, the patient may seek legal action. Additionally, a hospital, clinic or pharmacy could also be included in the claim depending on the circumstances.

Defective product cases stemming from pharmaceutical-related injuries can be complicated. It’s best to seek legal advice as soon as possible. An attorney will determine if it’s a valid case, explain the steps necessary to proceed with a claim, assist with gathering evidence and provide direction regarding the types of recoverable damages. Don’t delay, as there could be a limited timeframe to file.

Call Gacovino, Lake & Associates at 800-550-0000 to set up an appointment to review the details of your case.

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