Seasonal Protective Motorcycle Gear

Many motorcycle enthusiasts enjoy the open road no matter the season or the weather conditions. At all times it’s important to wear protective motorcycle gear. Learn about the different types available depending on the season.

Protective Motorcycle Gear for Warm Weather

There’s nothing like the feel of the wind on your skin. It’s tempting to shed clothes in warmer temperatures. But the less clothing a motorcyclist wears, the less protection in the event of a motorcycle crash. Along with many other kinds of injuries, motorcyclists without protective gear are at risk of road rash. So it’s best to be covered from head to foot. And the good news is that it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable.

Some comfortable, stylish, and protective motorcycle gear:

  • Jacket. Some jackets are designed for motorcyclists in warm weather. They consist of protective padding and some have zippered vents to allow for airflow. Underneath the jacket, wear a long-sleeved shirt for added protection. Choose fabric that draws sweat away from the body. Another option to consider for the upper body is a cooling motorcycle vest.
  • Gloves. The hands are especially vulnerable to injury because people naturally use them as a brace in the event of a fall. This can cause significant damage to skin, tissue, ligaments, and musculature if not protected by gloves. So don’t skip them in warm weather. Some gloves are designed for use in warm weather with appropriate vents.
  • Pants. Warmer temperatures usually mean shorts. But if a motorcyclist ends up in an accident, it can result in devastating injuries to the legs. As with jackets, look for pants that are ventilated. Some come with reinforced padding or armor in vulnerable areas, such as the hips and knees.
  • Boots. Sandals and tennis shoes might be more comfortable when it’s warm outside, but they offer no protection to the feet or ankles from the scalding exhaust pipe. Wear ventilated boots that cover the ankles.
  • Helmet. It’s hard to experience the warm, open breeze when your head is covered with a helmet. But it not only reduces the risk of serious head/brain injuries, it’s the law in New York to wear one. Wear a helmet no matter what the weather’s like.
  • Eyewear. Eye protection is also required by law. A full-face helmet will eliminate the need to wear separate eyewear. Otherwise, goggles can protect the eyes from debris, bugs and other matter. 

Protective Motorcycle Gear for Cold Weather

The same type of motorcycle gear worn in warm weather should also be worn in cold weather, though motorcyclists may choose heavier materials to protect them from the cold.

Examples of motorcycle gear designed for colder temperatures include: 

  • one-piece suits;
  • heated jacket liners/vests;
  • leather/heated gloves;
  • heavy duty jackets; and
  • heated pants liners. 

Protective Motorcycle Gear in Rainy Weather

Again, even if it’s raining outside, the gear shouldn’t change all that much so motorcyclists might choose: 

  • jackets;
  • pants; and
  • over-pants that are waterproof. 

Also, be sure the sole of the boots are made from rubber. This will prevent the feet from slipping when placing them on the ground. Consider wearing either a one or two-piece rain suit. These provide the greatest overall protection. Of course, if possible, avoid riding in the rain at all because it poses additional risks.

What to Do If Injured in a Motorcycle Crash

With or without the right seasonal protective motorcycle gear, there is always the chance that an accident will happen. When it does, it’s important to know what to do. Along with contacting the insurance company, injured motorcyclists should seek legal advice if seriously injured. An attorney can explain legal options that may be available and steps to take to protect one’s rights.

Get in touch with an attorney at the Law Office of D.J. Banovitz. Call 303-300-5060 or contact us online to set up your consultation.

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