Medical Malpractice Claims against Diagnostic Physicians

According to a report from EurekAlert, communication failure increases the risk for medical malpractice claims against diagnostic physicians.  Diagnostic physicians are responsible for notifying doctors when test results come back for a patient indicating that something needs medical attention or is urgent. With an increase in diagnostic testing, comes the potential for communication failure. Between the years 1996 and 2003, medical malpractice settlements have increased by about 40 percent. Some of the causes include failing to notify doctors of the results or failing to do so in a reasonable amount of time. Any delay in notification could prove to be catastrophic to a patient’s health, especially when the condition is serious and requires immediate medical treatment.  If you were the victim of medical negligence due to a failure to receive test results in a reasonable amount of time or for any other reason, then you could be entitled to compensation through a medical malpractice claim. You should get in touch with a New York medical malpractice attorney to evaluate your case and determine if you have a legitimate claim worth pursing.

Contacting a New York Medical Malpractice Attorney

When you have sustained a serious injury or lost a loved because of a medical mistake you are entitled to seek compensation for your damages and suffering. Consulting with a New York medical malpractice attorney can help you better understand your rights, determine liability for your injuries, and decide if filing a medical malpractice claim is right for you. At Gacovino Lake & Associates we have formed a dedicated network of medical malpractice attorneys that serve clients nationwide. Our New York office serves residents of the 5 boroughs with their auto accident, medical malpractice, defective drug, premises liability, and Workers’ Compensation claims. For experienced help with your medical malpractice claim, contact us today– 1-800-246-4878.

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