Long Island Attorney Describes How to Identify Unsafe Motorcycle Helmets

Unsafe motorcycle helmets may be one of many issues that may be responsible for a rider’s injuries in motorcycle crash. A motorcycle accident attorney in Long Island can evaluate a case and determine accident liability. 

Motorcycling can be a fun, exhilarating pastime as well as an alternate mode of transportation. Although motorcycles have traditionally been associated with rebellion and danger, a well-maintained motorcycle controlled by an experienced rider can make motorcycle rides safer and allow the rider to be a responsible participant in road and highway traffic. It all comes down to following the rules of the road and taking proper precautions. Even under the best circumstances, though, accidents may occur. When they do, they can be particularly dangerous for the motorcycle rider. 

Helmets are an integral part of the motorcycling experience. Doctors and others realized early on that some type of head protection could help save a rider’s life in the event of a crash. According to a study from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2008, motorcycle helmets reduced the risk of head injury by around 69 percent and the risk of death by around 42 percent. These are significant benefits, but riders should make sure they are wearing a proper helmet, too. 

Keep up with the latest safety standards to ensure that you are properly protected while riding your motorcycle. If you do become injured, contact the offices of Gacovino, Lake & Associates to speak with a motorcycle accident attorney in Long Island. 

Inspecting for Signs of an Unsafe Motorcycle Helmet 

In order to avoid using an unsafe motorcycle helmet, seek out a helmet that meets federal safety standards. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends keeping the following in mind when evaluating helmets. 

  • The first thing you’ll want to look for when evaluating the safety of a helmet is the liner. The liner of a helmet makes all the difference in an accident. When your head hits the ground or other hard surface upon impact, the liner may help prevent serious brain damage. Observe or touch the liner of a helmet to make sure it’s about an inch thick and made of polystyrene foam. Soft, cushiony liners may seem more comfortable or luxurious but are not adequate in the event of a crash.
  • Some people choose light-weight helmets for comfort, but a very light helmet is generally not ideal for head protection. A sturdy helmet weighs around three pounds with strong chinstraps and rivets, while an unsafe helmet may weigh in at a pound or less and have a more flimsy construction. An unsafe motorcycle helmet may also have protruding parts – sometimes decorative items, like spikes – that stick out more than two-tenths of an inch from the helmet’s surface.
  • Some helmets are novelty helmets designed mainly for fashion. While they may look good to you, they may not meet the standards for head protection. Helmets that meet government safety standards will have certain labeling and stickers. It’s important to get to know these before shopping for a helmet.

A helmet that meets Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) will have a DOT sticker on the outside back. Snell and ANSI labels are also signs of a safe helmet. It’s unlikely that a maker of unsafe novelty helmets will have counterfeited all of these stickers at once, but it’s still always a good idea to use your own judgment when it comes to safety. 

An unsafe motorcycle helmet can put your life at risk. It may also factor into your case when determining accident livability. Speak with a motorcycle accident attorney in Long Island to find out more about how helmets may impact your case. 

Contacting a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Long Island 

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, the road to recovery can be long and challenging. You don’t have to face this difficult time alone; the law firm of Gacovino, Lake & Associates may be able to help. Speak with a motorcycle accident attorney in Long Island to discuss your options. You may be eligible for compensation for your injuries. Call 800-246-4878.

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