Defective DePuy Hip Implant Suits Consolidated in New Jersey

(August 2, 2011)

Johnson & Johnson’s DePuy Orthopedics recalled their hip replacements in August 2010, and now there have been so many plaintiffs suing them that the New Jersey Supreme Court has decided to consolidate all of the lawsuits, as of late May 2011.

This decision was made to save both time and money for everybody involved. The judges, jury, lawyers, as well as both parties will be able to have a centralized database for discovery, and only one judge – Judge Brian R. Martinotti of Bergen County – will be in charge of pretrial activity for the suits. It has been estimated that the suits brought against DePuy’s defective hip implants exceed into the hundreds.

Injuries from these defective hip replacements include debilitating pain, severe inflammation, loss of mobility, and revision surgery. Johnson & Johnson currently has $922 million set aside to cover court fees and potential settlements. Quite a costly mistake on their end!

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