5 Tips for Taking Pictures of Accident and Injuries for Visual Slip and Fall Evidence

Nothing helps sway a judge or jury like tangible, visual evidence. When it comes to a slip and fall accident, one of the best ways to do that is through photographs: photographs of the injuries suffered, photographs of the accident scene, and even photographs of the scars and permanent disabilities left behind. To ensure they have the most successful case possible,victims should be diligent in taking pictures after they’ve been in accident:

  1. Take pictures of the accident scene as soon as possible. Time is of the essence when it comes to taking photos of a slip and fall accident scene. Waiting too long gives the property owner time to clean up, fix any hazards, and, in general, cover his or her tracks. Unfortunately, many times victims are in the emergency room or hospital immediately following their accident, so they are unable to head back to the scene to snap photos. When this happens, it’s crucial for victims’ loved ones, friends and family to act diligently on their behalf to collect slip and fall evidence. They should go to the scene as soon as possible after the accident and take pictures.
  2. Make sure to capture any potential hazards. Whether the victim slipped in a puddle of water, chemicals or other slippery substance or tripped on an uneven sidewalk, a pile of debris or another item, he or she – or friends or family — should always be sure to try and snap a photo of the exact hazard that caused the accident. If the hazard is no longer there, a photo should be taken of the area where it was at the time of the fall, the spot’s surroundings and anything else of note nearby. If unsure of what caused the slip in the first place, be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary, taking pictures of anything at all that could pose a danger – cracks in the cement, missing pieces of floorboard, loose handrails, etc. This visual evidence could help prove the property owner was at fault for the injury.
  3. Take multiple shots of the injuries. When taking photos of injuries after a slip and fall accident, it’s important to be as thorough as possible. There should be multiple shots of every injury, including close-ups, full length shots and shots from different angles and sides. Additionally, it’s important not just to focus on the severe injuries – the broken bones, the lacerations etc. There also should be pictures of any bruises, scrapes and minor injuries the victim suffered in the accident. This can present a more comprehensive picture of the extent of the injuries.
  4. Watch the surroundings when capturing injuries. It’s important to be cognizant of the details when taking pictures of injuries after a slip and fall accident. In these photos, the surrounding environment should be free of distractions that could draw attention away from the injuries. It’s also important for victims to avoid smiling in these photos.
  5. Take after photos of injuries. Once injuries have been treated or begin to heal, photos should be taken again. Any scars, marks or permanent disabilities suffered because of the accident need to be documented for slip and fall evidence. Victims also should take photos of any surgical sites, incisions and scars, if they have them.

In addition to taking photos of their injuries and the accident scene, slip and fall victims should contact an attorney as soon as possible to ensure their claim is a success. Victims or their families should call 800-246-HURT (4878) to speak to an attorney at Gacovino, Lake & Associates today to get started.

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