A Sayville Medical Malpractice Lawyer Discusses When Medical Malpractice Causes Paralysis

If you or someone you love has suffered paralysis as a result of medical negligence, you could be entitled to compensation. To learn if you have a legitimate claim, contact a Sayville medical malpractice lawyer today. 

It can be devastating to be suddenly without the use of your arms, legs or other body parts. While paralysis can happen as a result of a car or sports accident, it also can be caused by a healthcare provider’s mistake. 

Medical Malpractice and Paralysis 

It is hard to imagine that the negligence of a healthcare provider could result in paralysis. Yet the reality is that it does happen at the hands of nurses, doctors, surgeons, anesthesiologists and other medical professionals. 

When there is a failure to provide a standard level of care as a result of inexperience, distraction, intentional wrongdoing or error, it could lead to the healthcare provider being held liable for the resulting injuries. This may include your financial, physical and emotional losses. 

Surgical errors are one way that paralysis can occur. While it can happen with any type of surgery, those most at risk involve orthopedics, neurology and plastic surgery. Nerves that are cut, stretched, pinched or otherwise damaged may lead to partial or total paralysis. 

A birth injury can result in paralysis. Some of the most common conditions that can lead to a loss of sensation and movement include Erb’s palsy, brachial plexus injury and facial paralysis. Negligence while receiving anesthesia is another cause. If an epidural is inserted incorrectly, it could result in spinal cord damage. 

Consequences of Paralysis 

The consequences of paralysis can last a lifetime, especially if the patient suffers permanent damage to the spinal cord. It could lead to paraplegia, with a loss of feeling and movement from the waist down, or it could lead to quadriplegia, with a loss of feeling and movement from the neck and/or chest down. 

Injuries such as these often lead to significant medical expenses, including: 

  • surgery;
  • assistive devices (such as an electric wheelchair);
  • vocational retraining;
  • physical/occupational therapy;
  • adaptive services (caregiver, modifications to home); and
  • counseling. 

In addition, it may prevent an individual from working. Between the mounting medical bills and no income, it can leave a huge financial burden. 

The impact goes beyond the pocketbook, however. Paralysis can affect an individual psychologically. It can lead to a reduced quality of life, social difficulties and depression. 

As a result of these severe consequences, you may be entitled to compensation. Not only for the medical expenses you have incurred and the lost income, but other damages as well. 

Contact a Sayville Medical Malpractice Lawyer 

The best way to learn if you have a legitimate claim is to seek legal counsel. A medical malpractice lawyer will evaluate the details of your case carefully to determine if negligence was the cause of your injuries. 

A lawyer also will consider the damages you have suffered and what types of compensation may be available. This could include medical costs, pain and suffering, lost wages, permanent disability, earning potential, mental anguish, reduced quality of life, and more. 

Medical malpractice claims can be very complicated and time-consuming. So don’t delay in learning what your legal rights are. The sooner you get started on your case, the better protected you will be. 

For help in learning who may be held liable for your serious injuries, contact a Sayville medical malpractice attorney at Gacovino Lake & Associates. Our law firm serves residents of the 5 boroughs and clients nationwide. For experienced help with your medical malpractice case, contact us today at 800-246-4878.

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