After a serious car accident, get help so you can begin recovering financially.

When a car crash happens and someone is seriously hurt, it is crucial to immediately get help to begin the financial recovery process. Auto collisions can have huge costs to an injured victim including vast medical bills, a damaged vehicle, and lost income from missed work. The cost of emotional distress to the victim and family members needs to be taken into account.

To start the process of financial recovery, it is best to find an experienced personal injury attorney to handle an insurance claim

Injury lawyers cannot help someone heal physically, but we can certainly help ease the stress of the financial burdens that usually accompany a car accident. When you work with the experienced attorneys at Gacovino Lake, we will launch an injury claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company, will manage all the paperwork, communications, documentation, and legal filings, and will handle negotiations to secure a full settlement.

What can Gacovino Lake do to help you immediately?

From the moment you hire Gacovino Lake, you can stop worrying about medical bills, lost wages, insurance adjusters, and future expenses. You can concentrate on recovering physically and emotionally – we will focus on your financial recovery. We have 22 years of experience helping people like you get life back on track.

It costs nothing up front to talk to us or to hire us

There are no up-front costs and no hidden fees, since our firm will receive a percentage of the settlement or verdict reached, and all fees and costs are paid from your settlement. Our initial consultation is free and requires no obligation.

Learn about your rights and options today by contacting the personal injury attorneys at Gacovino Lake. Call 800-550-0000, click here to chat with us online or click here to complete this simple contact form.

Learn More About Car Accidents

Automobile accidents are an unfortunately common part of life. A February 2014 report published by the Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research provides that in 2012 alone, there occurred 294,757 motor vehicle crashes across the entire state; over 169,000 people involved in these crashes sustained non-fatal injuries, and 1,163 were killed as a result.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even claim motor vehicle crashes as one of the leading causes of death in the United States.

It is a sad reality that these accidents occur every day. For those hurt as a result of another’s negligence, a car accident lawyer can help provide the information necessary to file a claim to recover compensation for injuries.

Types of Car Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents may occur in a variety of ways, and while using a multitude of different types of transportation.

Some common types of car accidents include:

  • head-on collisions, in which two cars collide with one another while moving forward.
  • rear-end collisions,which occur when one car is struck by another from behind.
  • angle/side collisions, in which one car is struck by another vehicle from the side or from another angle.
  • hit-and-run accidents, after which the party liable for the accident fails to stop and identify him- or herself.
  • and, drunk driving accidents.

Furthermore, accidents may occur as a result of a car striking another type of vehicle or pedestrians. Our car accident lawyers represent those injured in single-vehicle collisions, motorcycle accidents, car vs. bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and any other accidents involving moving vehicles.

Determining the Cause of an Accident

Motor vehicle accidents can arise from a variety of circumstances, as well as different actions taken by those involved.

Motor vehicle accidents may be the result of:

  • defective products that caused the driver to lose control.
  • poorly maintained roads.
  • texting or distracted driving by one or more parties.
  • driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol use.
  • failure to follow proper traffic rules.
  • and, any other negligent acts made by motorists or pedestrians.

In some cases, more than one factor may be present in a car accident claim (for example, a distracted driver may collide with a driver who failed to yield the right-of-way). Section 1411 of New York Code though allows drivers deemed partially liable for the accident to still file a claim to recover compensation for the remaining damages.

How a Car Accident Lawyer Helps

Directly after a serious accident, it is important to contact a car accident lawyer for help with your claim. A car accident lawyer from our firm will help you gather the necessary information to build your case, such as witness testimony, any photo or video records of the event, and police reports made at the accident. Our legal team will also deal with insurance company representatives on your behalf.

If you have been seriously hurt in a wreck in, contact the car accident lawyers at Gacovino, Lake & Associates, P.C. to schedule a no-cost initial discussion of your circumstances. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you today.
